Science Students Sharpen STEM Communication Skills in BBC TV Studios

Science Students Sharpen STEM Communication Skills in BBC TV Studios

A Level Science students from Cadbury got a masterclass in sharpening their communication skills at the BBC – winning a film production challenge.

Going behind the scenes of the live lunchtime broadcast of Midlands Today, students got to meet the programme’s regional news presenter and production team. They were also able to use the studio and had the help of the teams and equipment to script, make and perform their own short film clip.

Cadbury emerged winners of the production challenge, outshining two other school sixth form groups.

BBC STEM Ambassadors, who use or communicate Science in their roles, talked students through the skills needed to become brilliant Science communicators, plus the importance of providing researched, factual and evidenced scientific information to a vast range of audiences for many different purposes.

Cadbury Science Team said: “It really was a fantastic day and the students all got a lot out of it. They were incredibly engaged and gave a lot of smart responses to the ambassadors’ questions and asked insightful questions.”

Deputy Principal Ian Vogel said: “The BBC event looked absolutely incredible – and what a great experience for those students. It will have been inspirational for them and something that they will treasure forever.”

On A Roll: Celebrating Another Successful September Enrolment!

On A Roll: Celebrating Another Successful September Enrolment!

School leavers can aim high and achieve their goals at Cadbury Sixth Form College, with another successful September enrolment well underway.

Highly regarded for its state-of-the-art facilities and exceptional teaching standards, our College offers learners the opportunity to excel and develop within their chosen field.

Students at the College celebrated another summer of success this year, with an increase in the A Level pass rate for the third year running. Excellent results were also secured for T Level students, with a 100% pass rate and 85% of students achieving high grades.

Renowned as a centre of excellence for young people, new learners joining Cadbury will benefit from a £6.6million investment to create a brand-new Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) Centre on site.

The 1,000 sqm, two-storey STEM Centre will deliver a new technical curriculum, with dedicated suites for Digital Media, Health, Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Employee Engagement. Digital learning labs and VR suites will offer robotics and coding opportunities for new T Level and A Level courses, alongside a media suite, a practical healthcare learning space, extended classrooms and flexible study and social spaces.

More than 50 different A Levels, T Levels, BTEC Diplomas and Subsidiary Diplomas are delivered by our specialist faculty. Tutors go above and beyond to not only prepare students for university, but to also help them build a strong skillset for the workplace, within a supportive and enriching environment.

ALL Cadbury students can also benefit from our Mega Deal which offers a free bus pass. Financial support, free meals and free and subsidised activities are also available to students who are eligible.

Julia Stevens, Principal of Cadbury Sixth Form College, said: “Whether students wish to continue to higher education or into the workplace, our team of tutors are committed to equipping every learner with the skills and knowledge they need. With our broad range of A Levels, T Levels and Diplomas, we can create a flexible learning programme that meets the goals and aspirations of every individual.”

Get The Jump: Explore The Different Routes Available To You Now

Get The Jump: Explore The Different Routes Available To You Now

So you’ve just had your results. What’s next for you?

Whether you know where you’re heading or not, knowing about the different routes open to you is a great place to start.
There are many ways to get your dream job, and T Levels are one of your options.

If you’d like to know what a career is like while you continue to study, T Levels just might be for you.

What’s a T Level?

A T Level is a nationally-recognised qualification for 16 to 19-year-olds that takes 2 years to complete. Leading businesses and employers helped design T Levels to give you the knowledge and skills you need. They’re roughly equal to 3 A Levels.

What you’ll do on a T Level course

You’ll spend 80% of your time in the classroom and 20% on a minimum 9-week placement with an employer. This means you’ll learn what a real career is like while you continue your studies.

The very first cohort of Cadbury T Level students have secured excellent results this year, with a 100% pass rate and 85% of students achieving high grades.

Lucy Webb and Jessica Cartmell both achieved Distinctions.

  • Lucy is planning to study Primary Education at Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Jessica plans to study Counselling at Newman University

Grades you need to take a T Level

To study T Levels at Cadbury you’ll need GCSE grade 4 or above in Maths and English (plus Science for the Health T Level)

Subjects you can take

Digital Design & Development
Education & Childcare

After your T Level

A T Level is worth the same UCAS points as 3 A Levels. You can use UCAS points to apply to university or another type of higher education. You can also use your T Level to do a related higher level apprenticeship or start your career.

If you’d like to chat or get advice about T Levels or your future, come and see us in campus during our opening times.

Older News & Event Articles

It’s time to talk T Levels! It’s time to take a T Level Talk & Tour with us in our brand new campus building!

Join us in June – either on Thursday 13th from 5-7pm, or if you can’t make that day, Saturday 15th from 10am – 2pm.

We’ll tell you everything you need to know to apply for a place on a T Level course at Cadbury, and you can ask us any questions you need answers to.

You’ll see that we’ve invested millions in our new £6.6 million STEM centre, which is dedicated to giving you the best experience and state-of-the-art facilities for T Level study.

So if you’d like to study at a high level – but with more focus on practical and professional experience, which not only looks great on your CV but will give you the UCAS points to get into a top university – T Levels are your best choice.

Equivalent to 3 A Levels, the 2-year T Level qualifications have been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses. This means they meet the needs of industry and will develop you with the skills, knowledge and workplace experience you need to really succeed.

T Levels offer you the best of both worlds: a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’ experience during an industry placement of at least 315 hours (approximately 45 days).

You’ll also get all the benefits of being a Cadbury student including a free bus pass for unlimited daytime, evening and weekend travel, plus mentoring, coaching and any extra support you might need.

Find out about the T Levels we can offer you:
Digital Design and Development
Education and Childcare
Legal Services
Management and Administration
Media, Broadcast and Production

What do T Level technical qualifications include?
1. Core theory, concepts and skills for an industry area
2. Specialist skills and knowledge for an occupation or career
3. An industry placement with an employer
4. Maths and English if you haven’t already achieved the minimum standard

Book your T Level Talk & Tour now

Worried about securing your college place before September? Worried you have missed the deadline to apply?
Well, don’t worry anymore as you’ve still got time to apply for a place at Cadbury Sixth Form College.
Other colleges have already closed their applications but the best news is ours are still open!

Why do we do this?
College is a big step in your life. We recognise you’re under enough pressure as it is studying for exams or with whatever life throws at you, and we want to give everyone the best chance possible to get into our incredible college.
That’s why we don’t impose time limits and we give you as much time and support as you need to submit your final application.

We’ll invite you in for a chat about your future career and education goals, and you can even choose your own time slot.
We’ll also tell you more about our Talk & Tour event: specially designed to give you all the information you need on T Levels and you’ll be one of the first to see our brand new purpose-built STEM centre.
So if you haven’t quite got round to applying for a place – for whatever reason – but you’re ready now, get in touch and hit that Apply button!

Demand for media content has never been higher!

  • The Film, Television and Video sector contributes over £12 billion to the UK economy
  • The UK Film Industry is set to grow by over 4% over the next 2 years
  • Major new film studios and production companies are under development in Birmingham.

So there’s no better time to study and train for a career in content creation, with massive opportunities for young people to get the skills needed for future employment.

Achieve your maximum potential by studying for a T Level in Media, Broadcast & Production at Cadbury Sixth Form College. After 2 years you’ll be the proud holder of an advanced qualification that’s equivalent to 3 A Levels and you’ll have developed skills in generating and pitching ideas, project planning, filming, editing, graphics, animation, post-production and marketing.

  • You’ll get exclusive access to state-of-the art facilities and equipment, including: dedicated iMac suites, photography and film studios, recording studio, professional cameras, lighting and audio equipment, digital Fab Lab, drones and VR headsets.
  • You’ll learn from tutors with extensive experience within the media sectors
  • You’ll get a ‘MEGA’ support package deal which includes free and unlimited travel, specialist equipment and resources to support your studies and work placements
  • You’ll complete industry placements, preparing you for employment in a range of roles within the creative sector for example: audio production assistant, broadcast assistant, production management assistant, programme assistant, runner, TV production assistant, junior content producer, social media assistant/co-ordinator or even junior media executive

See if you’re cut out for a content creation career!

  • Sign up to attend an Information Webinar for Year 11 pupils and parents/carers on Thursday 23 May
  • Take part in an interactive Discovery Day on Thursday 27 June


Stay up to date with student life at Cadbury Sixth Form College: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & TikTok.