Physics A Level
What does the course involve?
Course Outline
Internally marked assessments are given throughout the course to consolidate knowledge. These are in the form of end of topic tests and the college wide official progress assessments.
External assessment is in the form of three examinations at the end of year 2.
There is no externally marked coursework but there are 16 compulsory practical investigations that are carried out throughout the course. These are assessed within the examinations.
This is a linear course so all examinations are in year 2.
These consist of three papers. Paper 1 is worth 30%, paper 2 is worth 30% and paper 3 is worth 40%.
Exam Board
A minimum of five GCSEs at grade 4 and above, including English, with at least two at grade 6. You should have Maths at grade 6. It is strongly recommended that you study A Level Maths alongside Physics.
Physics is a challenging and rewarding A Level which is highly thought of by universities and employers. It is essential for university study in physics, astrophysics, aeronautical engineering, electronic and mechanical engineering. Physics is also highly desirable for many other degree courses such as mathematics, sciences, medicine, computing and architecture and sport.
Cadbury Sixth Form College has an excellent reputation for being one of the very best sixth form colleges in Birmingham, offering an innovative learning experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the college allocate places to students?
All applicants will be invited to attend an admissions interview. An offer of a place to study at Cadbury Sixth Form College is made subject to you meeting the College's standard entry grade requirements.How much does it cost to study at Cadbury Sixth Form College?
There are no tuition fees for 16-18 year-olds. Students are asked to pay a £25 book deposit when they enrol at the college, however this is returned at the end of the two years of study when all books and resources have been returned to the college. Some subjects will offer field trips which may impose some additional costs, however these costs will be kept to a minimum and these field trips are not compulsory.When does enrolment take place?
Enrolment takes place from GCSE Results Day. Further details about enrolment and a date/time for your individual appointment will be sent to you in a letter over the summer holiday. Enrolment takes on average 1-2 hours.© Copyright Cadbury Sixth Form College 1984 - 2025 | All Rights Reserved