5 Great Reasons Why You Need to Sign Up for Talk & Tours Now

5 Great Reasons Why You Need to Sign Up for Talk & Tours Now

Due to high demand we will be hosting a series of Talk & Tours at Cadbury Sixth Form College to help you plan your next move when you leave school. Our next events will be happening on Tuesday March 5, 4-7pm, and Saturday March 9, 11am-3pm.

Here’s why you need to book your place now!

  1. The Personal Experience: You’ll get a real feel for where you’ll be studying in September when you come to campus.
  2. Our knowledgeable student ambassadors will be there to share their own experience and insights with you and take you on a personal tour of the college.
  3. You’ll get to experience life through the eyes of a current student, ask all the questions you need answers to, and see all the facilities we have to offer you.
  4. We’ll cover many different areas on the tour including our brand new £10 million Science City campus, Psychology, Law and Art rooms, plus the IT suite, learning centre, drama theatre, science labs for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Forensic and Biomedical Science. You’ll also be shown the individual study pods and learner coaching spaces. We’ll visit the Media, Film, Design and Photography areas for some creative and cinematic inspiration, before the tour concludes in the Eat Central dining area.
  5. Careers advisers and Student Mentors will also be there to offer specialist advice and guidance to help you navigate your next steps. It’s important to do your research and understand what’s involved in studying certain subjects and which professions they lead to before you commit to your final choices. We can give you lots of support with this.

Remember also that you can apply there and then at Talk & Tours, if you haven’t already. If you have applied but your plans have changed since you signed up, you can still update your choices.

Whether you have favourites in mind, or would like to try something brand new like Psychology, Law, Politics or Criminology, Talk & Tours offer you the perfect time to apply and continue your career journey.

So come and join us, and book your place here.

Making The Right Choice For You at Cadbury

Making The Right Choice For You at Cadbury

Here at Cadbury we’re big believers in choice and think that students shouldn’t have to compromise on what they enjoy when deciding what to do after school. For that reason we have one of the largest course offers in the region with over 50 subject areas to choose from.

Applied Science BTEC with an Art A Level? No problem. Some university courses and careers will require you to study certain courses at Level 3 after you leave school but lots of them won’t. The most important thing to remember when selecting your courses is to concentrate on what you’re good at and what you enjoy.

In theory you are free to do any combination of courses you want here at Cadbury – you just need to do a combination which adds up to the equivalent of three A Levels. We do however have recommended combinations that provide pathways into careers and university courses.

Book your interview now to talk through your choices

Record University Applications Beat UCAS Deadline

Record University Applications Beat UCAS Deadline

Our tireless Careers Team have worked round the clock to process record numbers of university applications ahead of the cut off time.
Numbers of Cadbury Sixth Form College students applying for higher education places has now brought the total for all Sandwell College group sites to more than 1,300.

Careers Coordinator and Adviser, Andrew Farthing, said: “Ahead of the 6pm UCAS deadline on 31st January, the Careers Team worked tirelessly to advise students and tutors, check all student applications and send completed applications with references to UCAS.

“This huge task will help our students to secure offers for places at university. We are on track for record numbers of applications this year.”

Last year 1,035 students across the group were placed at university destinations. Russell Group Universities attracting our students included Oxford, Birmingham, Nottingham, Warwick, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Southampton and York.

The top 5 most popular choices emerged as Birmingham City University, University of Wolverhampton, Aston University, Coventry University, plus De Montfort and Birmingham Newman University in joint fifth place for popularity.

Course sectors which attracted the most students were Criminology and Law, Business/Finance/Accounting/Economics, Nursing and Midwifery, Computing, Psychology and Engineering.

To be part of our next year of success at Cadbury, apply now!

Older News & Event Articles

Firstly, don’t worry about your interview!

Interviews are short, friendly one-to-one meetings where you get to discuss your strengths and ambitions with a member of Cadbury staff. If you’re really nervous then you can have a parent or guardian to join you for support.

Why do colleges ask for interviews?

At this stage the interview is more of a consultation, where we can both make sure you’re selecting the right courses to meet your aspirations – it’s also your opportunity to ask questions too!

What if I can’t make my appointment?

If you miss your appointment, don’t worry, we’ll be happy to rearrange at a time more convenient for you. Email [email protected] or call 0121 458 3898.

Still a bit anxious about your interview?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help! Here are our Top 5 Tips for your interview:

1) Be prepared

Take a look at the website, read the course briefs and familiarise yourself with the courses you’re applying for.

2) Prepare your answers

Most Colleges will ask the same type of questions such as ‘why do you want to study the subject?’ and ‘why do you want to attend this College?’ – all questions you will know the answer to!

3) It’s your opportunity to ask us questions too

Do you want to know about the timetable? What about enrichment opportunities or more about a particular course? Asking a smart and well thought out question not only shows you are interested but gives you more information about what you’re applying for.

4) Arrive on time

Plan your journey and try to arrive a little early, as being late can leave you feeling stressed or flustered. If you are running late don’t panic, we’ll still complete your interview.

5) Be yourself

Remember nobody is here to catch you out! Interviews are designed to help you get all the advice and guidance you need, so be honest and make the most of it.

Book your interview here

Studying at college is not like studying at school or moving onto a school sixth form. There’s so much more to life at Cadbury!

By joining us at Cadbury Sixth Form College, you’ll become part of one of the most diverse and vibrant college communities. Here you’ll develop and enjoy independence, make lifelong friends and experience our fantastic facilities and unbeatable support.

Here are the Top 5 best things about college life:

You’re in charge
From picking your courses, deciding when and where to do your additional study outside of lessons, to what you wear to college. At college you’ll be treated like an adult and enjoy the benefits of independence. You get to take control of your learning and your future and most importantly you get to be yourself.

There is support for you everywhere
Some people can’t wait to leave school and for others it can seem a bit daunting. If the idea of independence and moving somewhere new scares you, then don’t worry. First of all, you’re not alone, loads of people feel anxious, but more importantly there’s even more support on offer than you’re used to at school. We have staff to help with everything from catching up with homework, applying to university, welfare, finance and mental health – the list goes on. You can find more about support here.

There is always something going on
Life at college is much more than just what goes on in the classroom and there’s always something new to get involved in, from trips abroad to experience new cultures to cultural celebrations in college, freshers’ fairs and activity days. College life is jam-packed and never boring. We offer a wide range of enrichment courses too from sports clubs to societies – you can find out more here.

The best facilities
Your school may have a good library or even some new sports equipment, but at Cadbury Sixth Form College the facilities are next level! Using the latest technology and design we have everything from science labs, libraries, gym and sports facilities to nursing wards, film studios and robotics labs. Our brand-new £6.6million STEM building is a must see. Find out more here.

Make college pay!
From our free college bus pass to bursary and welfare support, college doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact it’s the opposite – you can make it pay – whether it’s taking advantage of all the student discounts on offer to getting support with job applications with our careers team. Being a Cadbury student comes with lots of added benefits.

Gamers looking to turn their passion for Esports into a profession now have the chance to do just that at Cadbury Sixth Form College.
A brand-new Level 3 Esports course is launching at Cadbury in September 2024, providing students with an introduction to the fast-developing world of Esports. The College group has invested in esports gaming rooms, editing suites and enterprise pods to ensure students have access to the most inclusive and dynamic growth environment in an industry already worth over £1 billion.

Over two years students will gain valuable hands-on experience and discover more about the unique crossover of subjects such as enterprise, game design, marketing, business, teamwork and event management in the rapidly growing Esports industry. As they continue to develop their understanding of the industry, learners will also cover the technical aspects of Esports including programming, 2D & 3D graphics and live-streamed broadcasting, culminating in the design and delivery of their own competitive Esports event.

Learners taking this qualification will study topics ranging from skills, strategies and analysis to health, wellbeing and fitness for Esports players and responsible gaming. They will also benefit greatly from interaction with professional teams, guest speaker talks and work experience opportunities.

Head of Sport, Scott Thomas, said: “Esports is a rapidly growing industry around the world and within the education sector. This generation of students have grown up online and their sights are set on a digital future. Many UK universities now offer Esports as a degree course. Our students will have access to players and expertise which will enable them to turn their passion into a profession, learning employability skills including digital, problem-solving, teamwork, organisation and analytics to support them in whichever pathway they choose to progress.

“If you’re passionate about gaming and want to turn it into a career, this is the perfect opportunity for you.”

Don’t miss out on this chance to turn your passion into a profession!

Apply now for Esports

Stay up to date with student life at Cadbury Sixth Form College: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & TikTok.