Media, Broadcast and Production T Level

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Course Overview

Studio sound engineer, video editor or film producer – this T Level course is suitable for anyone wanting a career in the media, broadcast and production sector.

Course Outline

Core Content

You will cover 10 key topics:

The Creative Economy
Cultural Context and Vocabulary
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Project Methodology and Administration
The Individual in the Creative Industries
Professionalism and Ethics
Research Skills
Continued Professional Development

Employer-Set Project

You will complete a creative industry project brief, culminating in a substantial piece of work, in which you will develop, apply and demonstrate the following skills:
Undertaking research
Generating ideas
Communicating ideas
Developing ideas
Working collaboratively with others
Reflective practice

Creative and Design: Core Skills, Workplace Practices & Occupational Specialism

As part of the Media, Broadcast and Production qualification, you will specialise in Content Creation Production, where you will develop technical, practical and vocational skills, training to become competent and confident within your chosen occupation.
Performance Outcomes:
1. Generate ideas for content development for different platforms
2. Plan the production of the required content for different platforms (including moving/still image, audio and written)
3. Create and deliver the required content for the chosen platforms and/or venues, co-ordinating with others where appropriate
4. Evaluate the extent to which the content and plan meet objectives taking on board feedback

Extended Work Placement

You will apply practical skills within real-world employment settings by completing a minimum of 315 hours (45 days) extended work placement with an employer.
Content Creation Production specialists will complete extended work placement at a business or organisation in a relevant role to their preferred occupation:
• media
• film
• television
• publishing
• radio
• broadcasting
• recording studio
• marketing



• Knowledge and understanding of the core course content will be assessed through examinations
• Core skills will be assessed through completion of an employer-set project
• Further core skills and workplace practices will be assessed through the completion of extended work placement and occupational specialism assignments

Entry Requirements

Five GCSEs at grade 4 and above including Maths & English.


The T Level is the equivalent to three A Levels, and will qualify you to progress to:


As a qualified person in the Media, Broadcast and Production field, you will have developed an understanding of a broad range of issues relevant to the sector, including:

  • the creative economy
  • the individual in the creative industries
  • cultural context and vocabulary
  • audience and consumer needs
  • legal and regulatory requirements
  • professional standards and conduct in the workplace
  • equality, diversity and inclusion requirements
  • research skills
  • project methodology and administration
  • continued professional development

Which employers will be involved with the course?

TV Networks
Radio Stations
Concert venues
News outlets
Media providers

Future career options might include:

Studio Sound Engineer
Audio Visual Technician
Live Sound Engineer
TV or Film Sound Technician
Lighting Technician
TV or Film Production Assistant
Radio Broadcast Assistant
TV or Film Assistant Director
TV or Film Director
TV or Film Producer
Media Researcher
Video Editor
Broadcast Engineer
TV or Film Camera Operator

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Cadbury Sixth Form College has an excellent reputation for being one of the very best sixth form colleges in Birmingham, offering an innovative learning experience.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the college allocate places to students?

All applicants will be invited to attend an admissions interview. An offer of a place to study at Cadbury Sixth Form College is made subject to you meeting the College's standard entry grade requirements.

How much does it cost to study at Cadbury Sixth Form College?

There are no tuition fees for 16-18 year-olds. Students are asked to pay a £25 book deposit when they enrol at the college, however this is returned at the end of the two years of study when all books and resources have been returned to the college. Some subjects will offer field trips which may impose some additional costs, however these costs will be kept to a minimum and these field trips are not compulsory.

When does enrolment take place?

Enrolment takes place from GCSE Results Day. Further details about enrolment and a date/time for your individual appointment will be sent to you in a letter over the summer holiday. Enrolment takes on average 1-2 hours.

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