Frequently Asked Questions
My school’s sixth form is smaller – does that mean it’s better?
Cadbury College is proud to offer a wide range of courses including A Levels and BTEC Level 3s. Not only so we offer a wide range of courses, but you can choose to study any combination of these courses, to tailor your study programme to what you want, and ensure you have the best college experience possible. A wider range in a larger sixth form has been recommended by Ofsted as a better way to achieve good results.
How many subjects will I study?
Ordinarily, students at Cadbury College will study three subjects. This can incorporate A Levels and BTEC Level 3 subjects. In exceptional circumstances, we will consider students studying up to 4 advanced level subjects, however since the changes to A Level structures with courses becoming more linear, three subjects is the more popular choice amongst our student body.
What if I don’t meet the entry requirements?
All places at Cadbury College are offered on a conditional basis, providing that you meet the entry requirements for your courses and we receive a good reference from your school. In the event that you do not meet the entry requirements for a specific course (e.g. French A Level requires a 7 in French at GCSE), it will be at the discretion of the subject teacher as to whether you will be allowed entry onto the course. If the subject teacher feels that you may struggle to cope with the course, our specialist teaching staff will recommend alternative options at your enrolment interview. This may include studying a Level 2 programme alongside your advanced level courses, or indeed studying a different subject. There is always an alternative option, so please still come to your enrolment appointment and see what we can do for you!
What is the college timetable?
- Monday: 9am – 3:30pm
- Tuesday: 9am – 3:30pm
- Wednesday: 9am – 3:30pm
- Thursday: 9am – 3:30pm
- Friday: 9am – 3:30pm
What are the lunch facilities at the college?
Cadbury College has its own restaurant area (Eat Central) and a Coffee Shop, which are open daily. Lunch break is 1 hour long, and students can purchase hot and cold food from the counter. There is plenty of seating for all students to relax and socialise during the breaktimes.
Am I able to view the college before I start?
Of course! And we actively encourage that you do visit us. The college hosts plenty of Open Events each academic year, which are great opportunities to see the college in full swing and chat to the teaching staff. If you’d like to see the college on a more low-key basis, you can reserve a space on our Tour and Talk sessions in the summer term. There are also opportunities later in the year to visit the college: Prospective Parents’ Evening, Applicant Discovery Day and individual school taster days.
How do I get to the college?
Cadbury College is located in Kings Norton – there are lots of different ways you can get here from all over the Birmingham area. For more information, please visit our ‘How to find us’ page. All students aged 16-18 are also entitled to Free Travel in the form of a termly bus pass. More information can be found here.
What should I wear to college?
At Cadbury College, you don’t need a uniform to succeed. In fact, we encourage students to express their individuality during their college experience. All we ask is that what you do wear is appropriate for a college environment and caps and hoods are removed when in the college building.
Are there any courses without any exams?
BTEC Level 3 qualifications are great alternatives for those students who don’t enjoy more formal examinations, but it is worth noting that the majority of BTEC courses do contain examined units as well. A selection of our A Level subjects are also a mixture of coursework and examination modules. The individual course pages will detail this information.
What support is available to students for university/job applications?
Our staff are extremely experienced and we are able to provide extensive support and guidance on applications to all Higher Education courses, employment and gap year opportunities. We have a dedicated Careers Advice and Employability department who can offer students advice on UCAS applications and submitting a strong personal statement or CV. Our departments work with external agencies and companies to organise work experience placements in specific career sectors during the holidays for those students who are interested.
How does the college allocate places to students?
All applicants will be invited to attend an admissions interview. An offer of a place to study at Cadbury College is made subject to you meeting the College’s standard entry grade requirements. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places on offer a reserve list will be opened.
What facilities are available at Cadbury College?
In recent years the college has invested millions in building improvements and new developments, including Science City – a STEM education centre and major revamp of all Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Applied Science laboratories, as well as a brand new digital Fab Lab. We have a dedicated Performing Arts area that includes a 180 seat theatre, drama studio and teaching rooms. A state-of-the-art Learning Resource Centre has been created in our library space and eating facilities have been extended and enhanced. Our sports facilities include a sports hall featuring basketball hoops, an outdoor all-weather area for tennis, football, netball and basketball, a fitness suite and changing area. Our Creative Arts students benefit from dedicated workshops, studios and Apple Mac suites. Our teaching rooms are well-equipped with audio-visual equipment and interactive whiteboards. The college also offers a free WiFi service to all students.
Is there a college bursary scheme?
Yes – Cadbury College is allocated funds from the government to support those students in financial need. We distribute this fund through a bursary scheme. You can find more information about welfare support here.
Will it cost anything for me to study at Cadbury College?
There are no tuition fees for 16-18 year olds. Some subjects will offer field trips which may involve some additional costs, however these costs will be kept to a minimum and these field trips are not compulsory. The college offers subsidised travel for all 16-18 learners and there are other financial support schemes available to support students from qualifying backgrounds. More information can be found here.
When does enrolment take place?
Enrolment takes place after GCSE results are announced. It will start on GCSE results day which is annually towards the end of August, with all students being on timetable by the end of the first week of September. Further details about enrolment and a date/time for your individual appointment will be sent to you in a letter over the summer holiday. The enrolment appointment will take between 1 and 2 hours, at busy times. You will need to bring your GCSE Exam Board Results slips as proof of your examination results, as well as some form of ID. When you have finished your enrolment appointment, you will be issued with your college ID card.